Age in Place
Mr Tan Kian Chew, chairman of CFS, said at the open house: “As Singapore’s population ages, and at the same time, grapples with manpower shortages, it is important for homes to be ‘age-in-place ready’. This will aid seniors in their efforts to live independently in their own homes, and also (help) family and caregivers in their caring duties.”
Home Fixtures – safety in mind
On a tour of the studio, guides explained that walls and furniture should be painted in contrasting colours, so that elderly residents can see them clearly and not bump into things. Light switches and items should be placed at chest-level so the elderly do not have to strain to reach them. Sharp edges of tables can also be blunted by putting rubberised covers on them.
Data in Motion Mr Tan added: “We have harnessed technology by incorporating sensors to communicate key data to family and caregivers, such as monitoring sleep pattern, bathroom usage and door access.”