


Basics of Elder Caregiving

Course Details

Training Provider: Centre for Seniors
Course Title: Basics of Elder Care Giving
Course Code: TGS-2017504728
Language(s): English
Duration of course 2 Day
Mode of Training: Classroom In-Person
Date: Apr 14 & 15; May19 & 20, Jun 16 & 17
NSA Subsidized Course Fee: $ 90 (w.e.f. Apr 1, 2025 $ 92)
Full Course Fee: S$450 (w.e.f. April 1, 2025 : $460)
Online Registration: Register Now (CLICK HERE)
Certification: Upon achieving minimum 75% attendance, Learner will receive a Certificate of Attendance by Centre for Senior

Course Details

Training Provider:Centre for Seniors
Course Title: Essentials of Elder Caregiving Course Title: (Not running w.e.f 1 April 2021, please refer to Basics of Elder Caregiving Class)
Language(s): English
Duration of Course: 2 Day
Time: 9am – 5pm

Dates:                                                          NA     (Ceased)                               


NSA Subsidized Course Fee:S$60

Full Course Fee: S$300

SkillsFuture Credit Claims:

TGS-2017504730 (English)
TGS-2017504731 (Mandarin)

Online Registration :https://bit.ly/2ECaHRC

Course Objectives

This 2-day course equips participants with the knowledge and skills in the care for elderly at home. The workshop aims to address concerns in age-related changes, recognizing early signs of elderly health issues (abnormal ageing, dehydration, constipation, infection), knowledge on preventive care, 4 ‘Geriatric Giants’ and effective communication skills including person with dementia. Workshop prepares participants in their Journey of Caregiving and creates awareness of ‘Caregiver Wellness’. It also serves to introduce caregiving as a career to those considering to join the Intermediate and Long-Term Care (ILTC) sector.

年長者护理 須知 ( Mandarin) 这两天的课程,通过许多互动活动,让学员学会如何照顾年长者的技巧与知识,课程针对的项目- 如何与年长者沟通技巧、如何提早察觉年长者的健康征兆等。这个课程对有意以年长看护为职业的学员,是个很好的入门学习课程。

Course Objectives

This 2-day course equips participants with the basic knowledge and skills of delivering proper care for elderly who need help in Activities of Daily Living (ADL). It provides hands-on practice on assisting elderly in their daily activities and explains ‘WHY and HOW’ of these skill set. Learning includes nutrition for elderly, personal care in hygiene, infection control, toileting assistance, lifting and transferring, use of mobility aids, measure and record vital signs, medication administration and effective community skills, These skills will prepare family caregivers to provide better care for their elderly as well as to those who intend to work in the ILTC sector or do voluntary community care work.

Contact: Katherine (Course Coordinator)

Telephone: 64785015

Email: coordinator@cfs.org.sg

Updated 15 Mar 2025

Course Subsidies

National Silver Academy (NSA) SubsidyYes
SkillsFuture Credit ClaimYes
UTAP Funding (NTUC Members)Yes

Updated: 15 March 2025

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