The WSQ Community Fair was held at Kallang CC on 23 October 2020, where CFS participated as one of the guest speakers, sharing on CFS’ services, especially on one of its key outreach initiatives, Career Trial opportunities.
At CFS, we understand that our senior job seekers would like to be able to find the type of work that best suits their abilities, give satisfaction and fulfilment, and at the same time provide them with a steady income stream to prepare for retirement. Having spoken to a few job seekers at the WSQ Community Fair, CFS is aware of the issues that some face in their job searches, especially in a post-COVID19 digitised world. These include: where to look for suitable jobs, how to apply for these jobs, and what skills employers are looking out in potential employees.
As an organisation, we are heartened by the support that local organisations are willing to provide to job-seeking seniors, and CFS is working towards improving and simplifying he job-seeking processes for seniors. On this note, here are some of the things that CFS is working on to aid our senior jobseekers moving forward:
- We are currently working to provide more support to our job-seeking seniors, such as making arrangements to assist seniors in creating online accounts to easily access online job portals in the comforts of their own home or mobile devices, and also to make on-the-spot online job applications at CFS booths in the future.
- We are also currently collaborating with various organisations to provide CV writing and printing support to senior jobseekers.
To all senior jobseekers: do no lose hope – every individual deserves a fair chance to be considered for employability, and with proper support systems in place, we hope to be able to assist you in your efforts as well.”