


CFS LifeWork Programme
(Work-Life Transition)


Many of us today are fitter and healthier in our 50’s and 60’s than our parents were. Medical advances and our good healthcare system have allowed us to live longer into our 80’s and 90’s and lead more fulfilling lives. With the longer life expectancy and rising cost of living, we have to ask ourselves: what are we going to do and whether we will have enough money to live on when we finally stop working altogether.

As we grow older, we will face many disruptions in our lives, such as new technology impacting our career and life or even changes in relationships. Managing them will become one of the most important task. Successful transition will depend on whether we can adapt to new ways of doing, thinking and operating – unlearn old ways of doing things and learn new ones.

CFS LIFEWORK helps you to manage your life transition, addressing issues concerning career, retirement, health and family so that you could live a more purposeful and meaningful life.

Course Details

Training Provider: Centre for Seniors
Course Title: CFS LifeWork Programme (Work-Life Transition)
Course Code: TGS-2018507713
Language(s): English
Duration of course 3 Days (9 am to 5 pm)
Mode of Training: Classroom Face to Face
Date: Mar 19 - 21; Jun 18 - 20
NSA Subsidized Course Fee: $126 (Eligble for SkillsFurture Credit Claim) (w.e.f. Apr 1, 2025 - $130)
Full Course Fee: $630 (w.e.f. April 1, 2025 $ 650)
Online Registration: Register Now (CLICK HERE)
Certification: Upon achieving a minium 75% attendance, Learner will receive a Certificate of Attendance by Centre for Seniors

Updated 15 March 2025

Course Objectives

CFS LifeWork is specially developed to help mature workers and seniors plan and manage their work life transition, addressing concerns of career, retirement, health and family at different stages of life, especially at critical age junctions of 55, 62 and 67 years.

Through a series of five workshops covering 6 modules over 3 days, participants go through a journey of self-discovery, finding their life goals, strengths and weaknesses and how to have positive mind-set on work and life. This unique programme helps participants overcome fear of uncertainty and navigate challenges in life with confidence by learning the ‘how-to’ using toolkits as well as other available resources. And doing this in a vacuum can be tough…. They can seek guidance from a CFS Life Coach.

CFS LifeWork – Course Outline

1. Envision My Abundant Living

  • Manage life experiences and achieve 3 levels of happiness
  • Develop self-awareness and understand the behaviours of others for building relationships
  • Use the love languages for building relations
  • Use the abundant living toolkit to live in abundances and inspire others

2.Change As Opportunity

  • Understand career transition as a change opportunity
  • Take stock of your life to identify your life purpose
  • Create and implement an action plan for successful career transition

3.Retirement as a Career

  • Understand the relationship between work and self-image
  • Understand the effects of retirement on one’s self-image
  • Apply the loss response model of coping with retirement
  • Journaling for positivity
  • Develop my retirement plan

4.Living a Meaning Life

  • Undertand the importance of staying relevant
  • Set goals for achieving fitness and wellness

5. Health is Wealth

Get checked

  • Overview of ageing process and the associated physiological changes
  • Common lifestyle diseases in older adults: warning signs and risk factors
  • Practical steps to determine and monitor health status of functional fitness; aerobic, strength, flexibility and balance
  • Preventive strategies and management tactics for the common chronic diseases

Adapt lifestyle to stay healthy & fit

  • Exercise and the ageing process
  • Identify exercise benefits, risks and precautions
  • Types of exercise to improve health and functional fitness
  • Diet and health

Course Subsidies

National Silver Academy (NSA) SubsidyYes
SkillsFuture Credit ClaimYes
UTAP Funding (NTUC Members)Yes
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